CW2 Tilo Stanley

CW2 Tilo Stanley

Dates of Service: no date specified
25% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 1,837
22,298 out of 864,744 Veterans
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  • WO1
  • CW2

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Have been Retired for over 35 Years.Spent 21 1/2 Years on Active Duty with about 16 Years Overseas.Two tours in Vietnam,one Tour in Korea,four Years in Okinawa,In and out of Thailand numerous times.Close to 9 years in Germany.Gratuated Honor Student from the Advance Course in Oct.1985 and received my highest Award out of my last Tour in Germany.It was a MSM and shortly after was passed over for CWO3. The rest is history The Armys loss was some bodys gain. I have my own Business and am not looking back .

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 1985 - Oct 1985

Warrant Officers Advance Course
