56% Complete
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Influence Score: 3,080
14,501 out of 867,300 Veterans
14,501 out of 867,300 Veterans
Recent Activity -
member of HHB 130th field artillery bragrade ,ksarng. i never was deployed, no wars in my time. hell, no cell phones existed. we did have sat phones, trained with units in koria,germany, england, etc. by sat and teletype. received army achievement award for my unit/section. i had awesome solders working with me. many did deploy into combat, sadly i have buried most of them. only wished to have been there to guide them, we were awesome together. i went to a two year tech collage for hvac in 95. worked in the trade until 2019, suffered an anurism an stroke.
Military Experiences
Nov 1982 - Nov 1988
nco section cheif ops
as a pv-1, tactical wire ops. a grunt. first in an last out. [36k] moved up to radio teletype, sat com, and to s2 an s3. my section, received army acheivement medal for outstanding performance above and beyond standards. my teem, i trained and as my family, was the best. most all went on to do great things. most gave the ultimate and died for us. am proud to be a red leg. KSARNG SGT. PRUNER.