PO2 Timothy Hinds

PO2 Timothy Hinds

Dates of Service: Jul 1965 - Jul 1969
56% Complete
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,240
30,859 out of 867,932 Veterans
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Had a good life. I’m now 75, pushing 76. Developed Asbestosis from my Navy exposure in training aboard a WWII destroyer, the USS Walton. I am currently 100% rated disabled as unemployable. I was a Private investigator for 35 years. During tgag time I also worked in the HVAC field at practically every level. My last job was working as an outside Salesman for Haldeman Inc. Whoksake HVAC equipment.

Military Experiences

May 1966 - Jul 1969
Assistant to the NATOPS officers for both the P2 and P-5 Aircraft. Maintain electronics equipment for the P2 aircraft in the squadron. Fly Aircrew (Radio, Julie, ECM) for pilot and ASW training flights over the Pacific.

Military Credentials


May 1966

Graduate “A” School

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1965 - 1966

NAS Memphis

Job/Skill Training

Personal Information

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