25% Complete
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Influence Score: 20
398,088 out of 867,263 Veterans
398,088 out of 867,263 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Aug 2012 - Aug 2014
Brigade assistant operations NCO
Served as Assistant Operations NCO for Brigade S-3, 2BCT 101ABN FTCKY. Set up and operated the brigade Tactical Operations Center for all field exercises & global deployment. Helped mobilize, deploy and re-deploy members of 2BCT to combat and liason type deployments to Afghanistan. Was responsible for the training, morale & welfare of up to 15 Soldiers including 2-4 NCO's. Was responsible and accountable for over $10,000,000 worth of Brigade equipment with no loss to equipment or personnel during assigned time.
Nov 2008 - Aug 2012
Cavalry Scout section Sergeant (Senior Scout)
I served as the Senior Scout and Alpha Section Sergeant in 1st Platoon, Alpha Troop, 1-75 CAV "Widowmakers" prior to, during and after our 2010-11 deployment to Zhari, Kandahar, Afghanistan. I trained 2 NCOs and 9 Soldiers assigned to my section to be prepared to deploy globally with limited preparation time. While deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, I resourced, planned, prepared, conducted & debriefed daily dismounted & mounted patrols in our assigned Area of Responsibility (AOR) utilizing and coordinating with aerial assets to conduct aerial reconnaissance, precise weapons engagements and life saving medical evacuations saving countless lives.