90% Complete
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Influence Score: 2,296
18,402 out of 867,413 Veterans
18,402 out of 867,413 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Born/raised in Connecticut. Quit high school 1971. Enlisted USAF June 1972 with stipulation I would obtain my GED. Completed my GED requirement in 1973. Served in Massachusetts, Thailand and Montana. Separated in 1976. Enlisted US Army 1976. Served at FT Riley. Separated 1979 and enlisted Kansas National Guard. 1980 transfer to Ohio National Guard. 1983 transfer to Ohio Air National Guard.
Military Experiences
Feb 1983 - Dec 1986
Security Specialist - Comm/Plotter
After initial training, to learn the personnel, base and both the civilian and military airport sectors, I was assigned as a flight Communications Plotter. I was responsible for the movement of security and law enforcement during both normal and security operations. We participated in 2 annual training deployments to Alpena, Michigan and Savannah, Georgia. The Alpena deployment resulted in our receiving an Excellent ORI Rating. The 180th also received the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for 1985.
May 1980 - Feb 1983
Company Communications Chief
Though I had an Infantry MOS and MP MOS I was assigned as the communications chief because of my experience with FM radios in the Air Force. I was responsible for the issuance and maintenance of all communication equipment. I held this position until I transferred to the Ohio Air National Guard.
Jun 1979 - May 1980
Military Policeman
This was a Kansas National Guard Unit. As Military Policemen we were responsible for monthly training in our MOS and performing MP duties for various functions. During our yearly two week deployment we were responsible for MP duties with active duty MPs specifically dealing with members of our Brigade.
Sep 1976 - Jun 1979
Personnel NCOIC
Although I had an Primary MOS in Infantry and Secondary MOS in Military Police I was assigned to the Adjutant General Company as a Personnel Specialist. I was given acting Sergeant status responsible for pulling and reviewing records with S-1 NCOs. Then I was promoted to Sergeant and held responsible for a Battalions Personnel records. Eventually I became NCOIC of all Officer Personnel records.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Oct 1972 - Jun 1973
81150 Career Devolpment Courses
Aug 1972 - Oct 1972
Security Police Technical Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Oct 1974 - Nov 1974
Heavy Weapons Specialist - 81mm Mortar
Nov 1974
81MM/Fire Direction Center (3AZR81150-1)
Oct 1974
Security Police Combat Preparedness Course (3AZR81150)
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information