90% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,900
21,655 out of 867,897 Veterans
21,655 out of 867,897 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Like Hiking in the woods, collect die cast cars 1/18 scale, video games PS5.
Military Experiences
Mar 1989 - Sep 1991
Bulk Fuel Specialist
measured and maintained the quality and quantity of fuel for each installation. tested the quality of the fuel before dispensing to military aircraft, added and removed equipment from the farm as needed, calibrated certain fuel equipment, maintained all fuel equipment, dispensed fuel to different vehicles, aircraft and different sites.
(1 year, 6 months)Dec 1990 - Apr 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
measured and maintained the quality and quantity of fuel for each installation. tested the quality of the fuel before dispensing to military aircraft, added and removed equipment from the farm as needed, calibrated certain fuel equipment, maintained all fuel equipment, dispensed fuel to different vehicles, aircraft and different sites.
Apr 1988 - Apr 1989

measured and maintained the quality and quantity of fuel for each installation. tested the quality of the fuel before dispensing to military aircraft, added and removed equipment from the farm as needed, calibrated certain fuel equipment, maintained all fuel equipment, dispensed fuel to different vehicles, aircraft and different sites.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information