LCpl Jeffrey Allan

LCpl Jeffrey Allan

Dates of Service: no date specified
64% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 500
74,888 out of 864,951 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt Jul 90
  • PFC Sep 90
  • LCpl Apr 91

Recent Activity  -


Marine. 0352 because I really was tired of walking (TOW). Never did much special beyond the usual training stuff. No combat since the Gulf War wouldn't wait for me to deploy. Didn't get court martialed. No NJPs either. Was pretty good at skating. Able to get stuff for other Marines because I knew a supply guy or a motor-t guy when needed. I was that guy. Honorable discharge and 30% VA woohoo!

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Started in Sep 1990

Foreign Language Skills


Malay (3+/3+)


Indonesian (4+/4+)
