90% Complete
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Influence Score: 2,524
17,156 out of 867,398 Veterans
17,156 out of 867,398 Veterans
Recent Activity -
They ask "what do you want to do when you grow up?" I have done that. 32 years of Army life was very good to and for me. I had an amazing MOS and phenomenal opportunities that were both fulfilling and professionally rewarding. As a medic, the opportunity to influence our future officers during their ROTC experience was the candle on the cake. Leadership matters.
Military Experiences
May 2009 - Oct 2014
Senior Militrary Instructor
Provided instruction, coaching, mentoring and professional guidance to young Americans seeking to serve as commissioned officers in our Army.
Established and led a comprehensive medical training lane that was adopted by LDAC leadership for instruction and testing for all ROTC cadets attending LDAC.
Established and led a comprehensive medical training lane that was adopted by LDAC leadership for instruction and testing for all ROTC cadets attending LDAC.
Sep 2007 - Apr 2009
Medical Operations NCO
Responsible to the brigade surgeon for all medical facility functions in preparation for redeployment.
Mar 2005 - Nov 2006
Flight Platoon Sergeant
Provide for the en route medical treatment aboard uH-60 evacuation aircraft. PSG for a 15 UH-60 helicopters and evacuation crews.
(2 years, 11 months)Sep 2007 - Dec 2008
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
1SG for 82nd Medical Company (AA) and CAB Medical NCO for 1 Combat Aviation Brigade. First Sergeant and medical duties for the first 8 months and redeployment care facility organization and medical officer credentialing for fixed facility integration post-deployment. Liaison between division and garrison operations sections for medical support
Nov 2005 - Nov 2006
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Flight Platoon Sergeant - 82nd Medical Company (AA). Performed Flight Medical and supervisory roles at Al Asad AB - Iraq.
Nov 1990 - Apr 1991
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information