75% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 1,129
33,363 out of 867,939 Veterans
33,363 out of 867,939 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Civilian Board Cetified Emegency Medicine. Trauma Center and EMS Medical Advisor for 20 years. Crushed neck from F-4 injuries finally forced medical retirement in 2004. Muscle loss and nerve loss took 10 year to rehab. Still fully licensed, and DEA. Researched spinal problems McKenzie System. TBI/SPECT scans Amen University Certified Practitioner. Member, Insti. of Functional Medicine, Worldlink
(4 months)Jul 1980 - Aug 1980
Sole Medical officer. With on Corpman. 24 F-4Es were Flown to a Barebase the Seabees had prepared on metal runway. 600 Personnel for 7 weeks. Portable pop up Dispensary, Cafeteria, Housing and Chemical Shower and Latrine. 1/2 about 300 contracted Bacterial prostration. Harvested and shipped 2 dead crew members. Accident Investigation. MSMedal.
Apr 1980 - May 1980
Red Flag. Nellis, AFB.
Squadron Flight Surgeon.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1981 - May 1981
Radiology Preceptroship. Keesler, AFB
Jun 1980
Combar Casulty Care Course.Ft Sam Houston,
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information