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My name is Christina Joelle Moore. I am from Skokie, Illinois. My father was an Attorney and WWII vet and my mother was a Teacher. I have two daughters, my oldest is a veteran.
I retired in 2018 as a Lieutenant Colonel. I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2009 where I earned a Bronze Star. I just learned to sail. I am a cancer survivor and I live with no regrets.
I retired in 2018 as a Lieutenant Colonel. I was deployed to Afghanistan in 2009 where I earned a Bronze Star. I just learned to sail. I am a cancer survivor and I live with no regrets.
Military Experiences
Jul 2015 - Aug 2018
Military Assistant for Mobilization,Manpower and Reserve Affairs,Office of Assistant Sec Army
Manage the mobilization approval process and selection for all RC and ARNG Units, participate in Global Force Management and Planning for future depoloyment based and contingency operations. Review and Advise on legislation and changes to mobilization policy and rgulations.
Aug 2012 - Jul 2015
Joint and Combined Exercise BranchChief
Responsible for the operations and functions of the Joint and Combined Exercises Branch. Supervise seven civilian exercise planners. Manage travel and transportation budget for annual exercises and participate in all strategic planning projects.
Sep 2009 - Aug 2012
Concepts and Initiatives/Policy/Strategy Branch Chief
Write Strategic Documents. Review Policy and drafts new concepts and initiatives.
Jan 2009 - Aug 2009
Deputy Team Chief/Logistics Officer
Responsible for Accountibility, Mission, Evaluations, Coordination, Morale, and overall general welfare and assistance to National Guard Forces in Aghanistan.
(1 year, 5 months)Jan 2009 - Aug 2009

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Deputy Team Chief, National Guard Affairs Team 101st Airborne, and US Forces Afghanistan
Jan 2002 - Sep 2002

Managed Transportation and shipping of 3000+ troops and 8000 bags and cargo for a Brigade to and from 36 security locations in Europe.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Aug 1990 - Feb 1991
Ordnance Officer Basic Course
Oct 1980 - Sep 1981
Tactical Microwave Syatems Repairer Course
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
- Observed performance while in garrison