57% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 370
103,985 out of 867,916 Veterans
103,985 out of 867,916 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Feb 2009 - Jul 2010
Expert knowledge in ordering, receiving, inspecting, stowing, preserving, packaging, shipping, and issuing materials and cargo.
Reconcile financial listings; prepare budget reports; requisitions repair parts, supplies, forms, and publications.
Control inventory procedures; maintain and interpret reports and records; prepares open purchases documents; apply regulations to maintain the security of materials and documents.
Instrumental in the reconstitution and revamping of the Command's Tool Control Program.
Processed more than 200 broken, missing, worn, additions and deletions tool reports. Prepared, submitted and file all tool open purchase requisitions valued at more than 25,000 dollars.
Military Credentials
Foreign Language Skills