SPC Laurice McCoy

SPC Laurice McCoy

Dates of Service: no date specified
69% Complete
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Influence Score: 583
62,213 out of 868,090 Veterans
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  • SPC Feb 86

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I served in Hanau 85-86. Ft.Lewis, Wa 86-87 RA. Honorable discharged to Virginia Army National Guard 87-92. Then Army Reserve Medical Corps 92-98. I worked Civil service from 94 to present.

1st as HealthTech at Syracuse Meps 94-97. Then as a Science Tech and Microbiologist for US FDA 97-present.

All of my life I have worked in either Military or Civil Service combined 36yrs service

Military Experiences

Mar 1985 - Sep 1986
VFMED Operator, APC Driver, S-2 Physical Security Clerk
Francois Kasern Lamboy Strasse. SSGsLundy, Perez and SGT Colby were my section Chiefs in Bn FDC.

SFC Cox was my Section Chief while served in Bn S-2 Section. We worked in the TOC during Field training exercises.

My first roomate was supply tech PFC James Brown from Florida. Also SPC Harrison from Ohio. Then SPC Julius Panelo from Sunnyvale, Ca. Panelo and I met up a few years ago in SanFransisco, Ca.

I drove one of the 577 APCs in S-3 with Forward Observer Sgt Keith Wylie and SPC Edward Nettles.

Battery Commanders were CPT Bueler and CPT Zelinski. 1SG was Mack Johnson. Overall it was a good experience. Met good and interesting people in the Unit. As a 18yr old it was a good experience in charecter building that has helped me going forward in life to this day.
Like yesterday.
Jan 1985 - Mar 1985
Student Trainee AIT
This was a welcomed and suprising change from basic training. We were in a dorm like environment.

Co ed environment led to some interesting times. The Cadre was relaxed. We went to class in formation. Overall it was a goid experience sirt of like a college campus environment. I can only recall a few names but many faces because as you can imagine there were some memorable charecters.

What stood out was the weather there as Ft.Sill was very cold in Jan and Feb. Doing PT on the frozen ground was brutal.

I remember PFC Herring from NC because we were in same Basic training Co..different Plt. Pvt Deloach from Plano,Tx was with me in basic same Plt. Very humble guy. Pv2 Davin from Upstate Ny. PFC Casey from Boston, big Celtic fan nice guy.

There was a female everybody liked Pvt Vanzanten
1984 - Dec 1984
3rd Plt under Drill SSgt Lucas and Drill Sgt Candidate SFC Coleman
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