SSG Richard Bladl

SSG Richard Bladl

Dates of Service: no date specified
37% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,999
14,837 out of 867,880 Veterans
About Discussions
SSG Richard Bladl was mentioned

What is the proper term for a Marine who is no longer serving?

I'm writing a story about a Marine who is no longer serving and I wanted to know how to properly describe his status. I know Marines like to say there is no such thing as an ex-Marine, so what would be the correct term? Would it be "Marine veteran" or something else?


Thanks to all of you jarheads--e...
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SSG Richard Bladl participated

How do you respond when someone says "Thank you for your service"?

I've never asked this question, and I've never seen anyone else ask it, but I'm curious. What do you say when someone thanks you for your service?
My Military ID is right next to my driver's license and debit card in my wallet, so it's visible if I have to show my driver's license for something or i...
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SSG Richard Bladl participated

Will multiple degrees (associate through a master in aviation maintenance) really help me in the future with my career progression?

I have been working on college progression for the last few years. My background is aviation maintenance. I came into the military back in 2000 with a hefty amount of college credits but no degree. Fast forward to about 2012 I started back up, paused again 2014 and back into it around 2018 or so. No...
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SSG Richard Bladl participated

What constitutes being "old school" in the military?

I'm hearing/reading people saying "I'm old school, therefore..." So out of curiosity's sake, where is that ever-moving line?
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SSG Richard Bladl participated
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Where can I find someone to recommend my son to a military high school in the Phoenix area?

I plan to enroll my son in a military high school, Preferably near AZ, and he wants this a lot. Is there anyone here who could recommend me?
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SSG Richard Bladl participated

Is the new Fraternization policy nothing more than a force shaping tool?

According to the new Fraternization policy, an NCO of any rank cannot have a personal relationship with anyone of the Jr. Enslited ranks (E4 and below), to include cross-branches. Please help me to understand how it is okay for a Sergeant Major (E9) to date a Sergeant (E5) from seperate Commands or ...
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SSG Richard Bladl participated

Can anyone just come into my Barracks room even after I say no?

Often my specialists and below just come into my room during off duty hours to do inspections when its my personal time even when I tell them no. is this okay for them to do?
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SSG Richard Bladl participated

How would you react to an E2 who "smart mouths" you in formation?

Here's the background. You're a senior E5. Your troops are in formation and you're handing out work for the day. You hand out an assignment to a fresh E2 with less than a year in and only a few months at your command. They blatantly complain and tell you to choose someone else. You calmly tell them ...
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  • PVT Jul 63
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG

Recent Activity  -

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1975 - 1976

Control Data instute

Associate Degree


Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter