Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Apr 2004 - Apr 2006
Human Resources Specialist
Human Resources Specialist- Responsible for personnel and administrative support to over 20 Soldiers; processes, reviews, and coordinates all actions pertaining to actions, and military awards; screens and updates promotion packets for Semi-centralized Promotion Boards; establishes and maintains unit Alert Rosters; coordinates and schedules APFT, weapon qualifications and required training for Soldiers in the Postal Platoon.
(1 year, 3 months)Feb 2005 - Oct 2005
Seattle, WA
Human Resources Specialist- Responsible for personnel and administrative support to over 20 Soldiers; processes, reviews, and coordinates all actions pertaining to actions, and military awards; screens and updates promotion packets for Semi-centralized Promotion Board.
Aug 1994 - Jan 1995
Saudi Arabia
Detect, track and identify aircraft
Broadcast early warning information
Perform operations and intelligence duties in Air Defense units
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information