1stLt James Rollins

1stLt James Rollins

Dates of Service: no date specified
72% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 389
97,971 out of 867,999 Veterans
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  • 2ndLt
  • 1stLt
Commissioning Source:  Enlisted-to-Officer, Apr 2000

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jun 2001 - Jul 2004
Assistant Maintenance Officer
Served as AAMO and OIC for Maintenance Admin, Ordnance, and Flight Equipment. Participated in "home grown" aircrew training and flew as a gunner/observer a little over 200 hours mainly in Kuwait and Iraq. Was awarded Combat Aircrew Wings overseas but never finished the entire syllabus before resigning in '04 but had some great times with the pilots and crew chiefs. Solid bunch of Marines. Deployed for OIF Phase I in 02/03. We lost a great crew the first night of the war. (RIP Capt (Major) Aubin, Capt Beaupre, SSgt Watersbey, and Cpl Kennedy).
May 2000 - May 2001
Guesstimating the end date as they usually kept new maintenance officers at the MALS for a bit before sending them out to the helicopter squadrons at AAMO and MMCO slots opened up. Served as the GSE/IMRL OIC. Had some good PT sessions with Gunny Baker and the GSE shop running the hills of Pendleton. Made a boat det on the TAVB-Curtiss.
Jan 2000 - Apr 2000
Officer Candidate
Candidate in in 5th Plt, Charlie Company (Charlie-5) for the Winter Class. Good times. Attrition was the mission for the Sergeant Instructors. They weeded out a lot of good guys in my opinion but the training was awesome. We had a lot of "priors" on the company. I was an "old man" at 30 going through with a bunch of 22 year olds fresh out of college.
Jul 1996 - Dec 1999
D Co
Drill Instructor
Attended DI School then assigned to D Co, 1st Bn. Served as 4th Hat ("Nick at night. Lights to lights"), 3rd Hat (Knowledge), Heavy, then 3 cycles as SDI followed by 2 cycles as the Series Gunnery Sergeant (though I was still a SSgt). Somewhere in the mix I did my quota (rest) at Close Combat for about 6 months. Selected for OCS on the Meritorious Commissioning Program.


(1 year, 5 months)
Feb 2003 - Sep 2003
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
AAMO for HMM-268 at Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait. Made several flights into Irag as I was on flight status. Great bunch of Marines.
Aug 1990 - Apr 1991
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Avionics Tech (6317) with VMFA-333 at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain. Served 3 month on perimeter guard duty with a Marine MP Co alongside some Seabees and AF Security Forces. Good times.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1993 - 1995

Florida Community College at Jacksonville

Associate Degree, Criminal Justice

Personal Information

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter