Peter Buglass
80% Complete
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Influence Score: 716
3,878 out of 215,308 Civilians
3,878 out of 215,308 Civilians
Recent Activity -
I served in the Canadian Army Reserve from September 1973 to November 1986. I retired as an infantry warrant officer (NATO E7). My trade specialties were Infantry Driver (wheeled), Infantry Machine Gunner, and Demolition Instructor (all arms). I also had a 33-year career with the Ontario correctional system. I have also taught various criminal justice topics at the community college level.
International Experience
(7 months)Nov 1976 - May 1977
Canadian Contingent United Nations Emergency Force Middle East
I was a member of Issues Section, Material Control Platoon, Supply Company, 73rd Canadian Service Battalion. I was an infantry Cpl. posted to a logistics unit.
Nov 1986
NATO E7-Canadian Army Reserve Infantry Warrant Officer
Jul 1980
Demolition Instructor (all arms) TSQ-HE
Mar 1978
Trade Specialty-Infantry Machine Gunner
Aug 1977
Trade Specialty-Infantry Driver (wheeled)
Academic Degrees
2012 - 2014
University of Western Ontario
Job/Skill Training, Western Certificate in University Teaching and Learning
Personal Information