Sgt William Hodges

Sgt William Hodges

Dates of Service: Sep 1959 - Aug 1963
80% Complete
52 Contacts
Influence Score: 26,110
2,390 out of 867,689 Veterans
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  • Sgt Nov 61

Recent Activity  -


Professional Speaker and trainer Owner of Hodges Seminars International Founder and host of the radio show on 4 FM stations Veterans Corner Radio and Veterans Corner Radio podcast Host of Spotlight on Government TV show in Tampa Founder of the Veterans Photo project in SCC CA Florida Numerous awards for work in the Veterans Community Author of the column Positive talk in four newspapers Thank You!

Military Experiences

Apr 1960 - Aug 1963
Bomb/Nav tech
Bill started his military career in 1959 and became a Bomb-Navigation equipment specialist in the Strategic Air Command on B-52’s. During his time on the line he accumulated hundreds of hours of flight time on the Buffs as they flew 24 hour nuclear alert missions. However it was cold on the flight line and when a job in Armament and Electronics Analysis Department came open he applied for the job and began a career in the analysis of aircraft bombing where he developed a charting mechanism that raised his wings efficiency to the highest in his Air Division. The program he created was adopted by Second Air Force and then world wide by SAC wings. Leaving A & E analysis he moved to Wing Training and began what would ultimately be his calling in life.

Academic Degrees
