90% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 2,244
18,735 out of 867,449 Veterans
18,735 out of 867,449 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Joined Army National Guard while still in High School. Did Basic Training at Ft.Bliss Tx. (El-Paso) August 1st. After Basic went to A.I.T at Ft Sam Houston, Tx. Graduated Medic School December 19th 1984. In July or August of 1986 I signed a new contract to go Active Duty. Went to Ft.Lewis, Wa. (9th Inf) December 1986. Honorable Discharge December 1989. In November 1988 our Unit, A-co. 99th Support Bn went to provide Medic support for the Fire Fighters in Yellowstone National Park. We were awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal.
Went back to the Massachusetts NG for a year and took a break. Rejoined the Guard in June of 1998 as a Truck Driver. Our Unit was activated in February 2003 and was sent to Ft.Bragg, NC. While there, a Platoon was sent to an active duty unit to back fill them to go to Iraq. Was sent to Iraq in March of 2003 and came back in February 2004.
Military Experiences
Jun 1998 - Jul 2005
Squad Member
Transportation Specialist with Medic Background. Civilian Truck Driver.
Promoted to Sgt and was then assigned as a Squad Leader.
Also trained members how to drive and safely back up a Tractor Trailer.
Dec 1986 - Dec 1989
(1 year, 1 month)Mar 2003 - Feb 2004
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Transportation Specialist and secondary as a Medic.
Truck Driving Medic.
Nov 1988
Yellowstone National Park
Medical Support for the Yellowstone Forest fire.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Sep 1984 - Dec 1984
Medical Education & Training Campus
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Personal Information