28% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 20
403,966 out of 868,063 Veterans
403,966 out of 868,063 Veterans
Recent Activity -
. Prior service Army Security Agency 1970-1973 98J (electronic warfare analyst) basic Ft Dix, AIT at Ft Devens, then to Ft Hood from there Shemya AK, and finally to USASATC&S at FT Devens as an instrucuor. Final rank SP-5
Came home attended nursing school ADN then BSN. worked critical care nursing. A friend connected me with the
navy in 1989. Reserve until 1988 when I recalled to AD for DUINS
Came home attended nursing school ADN then BSN. worked critical care nursing. A friend connected me with the
navy in 1989. Reserve until 1988 when I recalled to AD for DUINS
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) correspondence