Cpl Thuy Tran

Cpl Thuy Tran

Dates of Service: no date specified
95% Complete
8 Contacts
Influence Score: 23,283
2,659 out of 866,664 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt Sep 85
  • PFC Nov 85
  • LCpl Mar 86
  • Cpl Oct 86

Recent Activity  -


-1967 Born in Vietnam. Raised in the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania. Eternal Fealty to the Eagle, Globe & Anchor. Loyalty to death & beyond for my warrior brothers and sisters of all branches. -1990-2010 Education & a Fantastic career in administrative management. I wrote a check for a Ferrari & drove it! (to the bosses house) -2010-current Video Games, news reading, social media, writing

Military Experiences

Sep 1985 - Aug 1989
Myer-Henderson Hall (JBM-HH)
Legal Specialist
My job involved reading a lot of documents for process compliance prior to the Appellate Review Board in Washington D.C. I was in a room with no windows months at a time for some cases. Okinawa was my 1st duty station. There were no curfews then and we could go to the local bars that were open all night and return in time for early morning PT - everyone's breath reeking of alcohol. Ronald Reagan was president and we were fighting the Cold War while eating giant shrimp and fresh fruit, camping on Miyagi Island, Japan. We also trained HARD. CONSTANTLY. To the point of passing out. Any moment, we were ready for war. Our barracks looked like warzones. I have good memories. I have bad memories. The greatest thing I have is a family EARNED that always has each other's back.


(1 year)
Mar 1986 - Feb 1987
I worked in the Defense Attorney's office. We represented people who committed egregious violations of the UCMJ. I am saddened that things only got progressively worse until the freedoms I enjoyed at 18 in Okinawa are no longer available because of crimes against Okinawan citizens. I also worked with Base CG investigating Black Market activity.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Dec 1985 - Mar 1986

Legal Services Specialist

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say

Personal Information
