SPC Shoun Hill

SPC Shoun Hill

Dates of Service: Sep 1986 - Sep 1990
90% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 2,061
19,979 out of 864,949 Veterans
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  • SPC Nov 87

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I'm Shoun Hill. At present, I'm a photo editor with the Associated Press in NYC. Before moving behind a desk, I worked as a staff photographer at newspapers in Jackson, Tenn; Memphis, and Orlando, Fla. I was a 71Q based in Fort Rucker, Ala., would love to hear from anyone down there!

Military Experiences

Sep 1986 - Sep 1990
46Q Journalist
Worked as photographer and editor of the Army Flyer newspapers.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 1988 - Aug 1988

Advanced Photojournalism Course

Apr 1988 - Jun 1988

Intermediate Photojournalism Course

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1990 - 2010

Ohio University

Master's Degree, Visual Communication

1980 - 1983

Frostburg State University

Bachelors Degree, History (Major)
