Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Oct 1997 - Sep 2005
Readiness NCO
Responsible for planning, resourcing, and executing training for 116 man Artillery Battery. This was a dual status job consisting of training and administrative positions.
Training: Responsible for long and short range planning, resourcing, and executing all necessary tasks to keep 116 soldiers in 8 different specialties proficient and qualified in their respective military occupational specialty. Ensuring the safety and accountability of soldiers and equipment during hazardous operations in the field.
Administrative: Responsible for assessing and reporting unit readiness. Administering
Jun 1990 - Oct 1997
Squad Leader
11B Squad Leader
Rifle Squad Leader in a Light Infantry Company; responsible for the welfare, fitness, morale and discipline of nine Soldiers; responsible for the individual training and maintenance of their equipment; primary instructor and advisor in the matters of tactics, personnel management and junior leader development; directs his Squad's tactical employment during offensive and defensive operations; responsible for the accountability and maintenance of all assigned MTO&E equipment worth in excess of 750,000 dollars.
Jan 1989 - Jun 1990
Team Leader
Led a fire team of Airborne Infantryman in patrolling, marksmanship, professional development, and defense of the nation. Our primary mission was to "close with and destroy the enemy by means of individual movement techniques and small arms fire". I was lucky enough to be assigned to America's premier light Infantry division: the 82nd Airborne Division. We were capable of deploying anywhere in the world within 18 hours of the Presidents call. Airborne, All The Way!
(2 months)Mar 1988 - Apr 1988
Operation Golden Pheasant. Emergency show of force deployment to force the Nicaraguan communists back across the border from Honduras.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information