49% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 172
178,945 out of 866,660 Veterans
178,945 out of 866,660 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Florida Chairman of Operation Firing For Effect
Founder / Spokesman The Unified Veterans Coalition News Network 2003-Present
Free Membership email me at ttrefts@gmailcom
Military Experiences
May 1989 - Aug 1991
Jet Engine Mechanic
I am a Veteran Activist. I think that the VA is fundamentally Unconstitutional. So, there's that.
Got experimental Anthrax Vaccine without consent disguised as FLU shot in my yellow shot records booklet.
Also worked around solvents, depleted uranium dust and munitions, and cleaned, washed, and blasted and repainted planes that came back from Operation Desert Storm.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1990 - Aug 1991
Community College of the Air Force