65% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 515
72,301 out of 866,805 Veterans
72,301 out of 866,805 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I had to leave the Army on July 30,1979 after finding out that my husband and I were going to have a baby. I hated that I couldn't stay in the service because I really loved being a soldier! We followed the 82nd Airborne and I had picked an unsuitable husband and couldn't leave my child with him and know she was safe so I made the decision to EOS.
Military Experiences
Apr 1977 - Jul 1979
Worked at the Motor Pool both as a mechanic and then as TAMMS (The Army Maintenance and Management) clerk. Kept vehicle maintenance, parts, records and instructed drivers ed and issued drivers license. Issued trip tickets for vehicles dispatched.
Personal Information