SPC Peter Pimentel

SPC Peter Pimentel

Dates of Service: Jan 1987 - Feb 2013
45% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 126
203,481 out of 864,945 Veterans
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  • SPC Jun 88

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Hi I am an Air force brat I was born in New Jersey in 1963 my dad was a career Air Force Officer we traveled all over the world with this experience I decided to enlist in the USAF unfortunately my Gt scores were not high so I ended up enlisting in the Marines back in 1984 than eventually enlisted in the WA state Army National Guard then finally ending my military career with the California U.S. Army National Guard in 2013

Military Experiences

Jun 2004 - Feb 2013
Petroleum Supply Specialist
I operated a refueling truck with the CA Army National Guard were I was put in charge of fueling BlackHawk Helicopters during monthly drills . I also did odd jobs on the base from working in the avionics shop to pulling gate guard duty.
May 1987 - Feb 1991
66th TAC
Food Service Specialist
I was a 94-B-10 Food service specialist for an army aviation unit that was stationed at Camp Murray . I basically helped prep food at the 2/3 dining facility an cooked meals for souldiers at the facility . I also served on my units rifle team were my unit competed against the 81st infantry brigade


(1 year, 2 months)
Jan 1988 - Feb 1989
South korea
South Korea
I was deployed with the WA Army National Guard to Camp Humphreys south Korea in 1988. I perticipated in team spirit 88.Where during this deployment I set up a field mess hall to feed coalition troops on a regular basis that were perticipating in this excercise during the 1980s . This deployment lasted several months in South Korea an went on 30 miles from the DMZ.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 1986 - Jan 1987

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Mar 2011 - May 2011

Quartermaster petroleum supply school

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees