70% Complete
0 Endorsements
17 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,185
19,177 out of 868,063 Veterans
19,177 out of 868,063 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I have accumulated thirty five years of dedicated service to the United States Navy. Twenty six years of active duty service, in which I achieved the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer a position only attained by 1% of all those who enlist, two as a maintenance contractor and seven as a government employee. During this time I have acquired the experiences and education that has made me a valued as
Military Experiences
Apr 2000 - Jan 2007
Maintenance Master Chief & Manpower Manager
Lead Maintenance supervisor. Senior enlisted advisor. Command Manpower and Training Analyst. Successfully lead, managed and supervised for six consecutive years one of the largest and most diverse maintenance departments in naval aviation. Directly responsible for the management of over 380 maintenance personnel in the performance of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on 15 MH-53E aircraft, the most complex helicopter in the navy’s inventory.
Apr 1998 - Mar 2000
Power Plant Analyst
Aircraft Power Plant Safety Analyst for all Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. On a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis I was required to monitor all commands for their adherence to safety programs and instructions related to aviation power plants and related systems. To ensure these actions I conducted scheduled and unscheduled safety inspections on Navy and Marine Corps commands and Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Departments around the fleet. Utilizing my communication skills I also promoted safe maintenance practices via an in-depth “Maintenance Malpractice” PP Presentation
Apr 1996 - Mar 1998
Senior Instructor
Assigned as the senior instructor and supervisor for Maintenance Training Unit, Norfolk I managed, supervised and coordinated the efforts of 46 senior enlisted instructors providing quality training to an annual student throughput averaging over 500 students
Apr 1993 - Apr 1996
Aircraft Maintenance Chief
Branch Chief for Work-Centers 110 & 13A. Certified Safe For Flight Maintenance Control CPO. Detachment Leading CPO for Naples IT
(3 years, 2 months)Feb 2001 - Aug 2001

Detachment Leading Senior Chief Petty Officer. A four MH-53E aircraft detachment maintained by 70 enlisted personnel & 10 Officers.
May 1994 - Nov 1994
Detachment Leading Chief Petty Officer for a one aircraft (H-3) VOD, 15 member detachment.
Feb 1988 - Aug 1988
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Apr 1996
Apr 1980
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information