73% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,851
22,349 out of 867,943 Veterans
22,349 out of 867,943 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Retired now, had a stellar career! Worked in public eduation as a teacher & Assistant Princpal while serving in the Texas Army National Guard. Military career highlights include: my robust NCODP, NCO induction cermony, promoted Soldiers, assisted Soldiers who were at crossroads in life and needed guidance, OCONUS missions on NATO bases, state active duty (SAD) missions in my home state of Texas
Military Experiences
(2 years, 9 months)Jan 2017 - Nov 2017

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
36 ID, TAAC-S (Train Advise Assist Command- South) mission in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel in Kandahar Afghanistan. As a Military Police Advisor, worked alongside the 404 Afghan Police Force and served as the training NCO to the Afghan Civil Order Police (ANCOP) facilitating real-time, law enforcement instruction and training.
Dec 2009 - Jul 2010

Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Feb 2009 - Mar 2009
Theater Internment Operations
63A Tank & Turret Mechanic
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2012 - 2014
University of Texas – Arlington
Master's Degree, Educational Leadership & Policy Studies