SGT Michael Neilsen

SGT Michael Neilsen

Dates of Service: May 1968 - Apr 1970
30% Complete
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Influence Score: 30
325,798 out of 867,294 Veterans
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Sometime in 1969 in South Viet Nam, our unit suffered a "friendly fire" incident and my platoon leader, Lt. John Pogge Jr. was badly wounded in his legs. A year or so later I was out of the Army and he and his wife kindly paid a visit to our home. He was Capt. Pogge then. I would very much like to contact him to express my appreciation.


(1 year)
May 1969 - Apr 1970
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Inf. squad leader and APC commander Co. C(?) 2nd batt 22nd reg. 25th Inf. Div.