Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Apr 2014 - Feb 2019
Medical Platoon Sergeant
I’m Responsible for the training, discipline, safety, morale, and welfare of 44 medical personnel and the professional development of 6 supervisors; responsible for the medical sustainment of combat operations as well as the health care of more than 650 Soldiers; responsible for maintaining accountability and serviceability of equipment and medical supplies valued in excess of $1,000,000, 4 ambulances, 2 Humvees valued in excess of $900,000; provide instruction in all common and medical skills and ensures strict adherence of safety during training.
Jan 2014 - Apr 2014
Treatment NCOIC
I’m the assistant Medical Platoon Sergeant and oversee 44 medical personnel. Medical Treatment NCO for the 1-148th Infantry (IN) Battalion, 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT); provides operational medical support, assists physicians and physician assistants with garrison and operational medical support in austere environments; provides emergency life support and advanced trauma life support along with routine care; assists with accountability and serviceability of medical supplies and equipment valued in excess of $12 million.
(2 years)Sep 2011 - Aug 2012

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Aid Station NCOIC
Medical Computer Systems Specialist (Help Desk) for three military installations. Worked both in Treatment and Operations, Managed the Aid Station with 6 direct reports and a Surgeon. Managed the Military Health records database for 650 US soldiers and foreign nationals. Establish and maintain the medical communication systems.
Jan 2008 - Dec 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I was the Medical Specialist on a Convoy Escort team and had medical responsibilities for 55 Soldiers and Civilians.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 2013 - Oct 2013
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Apr 2011
Counter Improvised Explosive Device Awareness Train the Trainer
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information