81% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 1,023
36,550 out of 867,300 Veterans
36,550 out of 867,300 Veterans
Recent Activity -
am retired now but have two home in Florida, one on the east coast and one on the west. Attend the VFW's and American Legions on both coasts. I have one son (Justin) and one Grandson (Clint), who still live in central Illinois. Justin works for the Clinton Power station in Clinton Illinois as a Nuclear engineer. Kind a lost now since retiring. Looking forward to maybe traveling sometime in the future.
Military Experiences
(1 year, 9 months)Jul 1969 - Mar 1971
Vietnam War
iI was with the 4th PSYOP Bn.out of Saigon attached to the 8th PSYOP Bn. out of Nha Trang Company B which was located in Plieku on Top of Artillery Hill. My field team was located in Phu Bon Province in an old French Compound called Cheo Reo. Dropping leaflets from helicopter ,engaging the enemy with interpreters to make the enemy surrender for intelligence purposes.