83% Complete
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Influence Score: 1,128
33,406 out of 868,049 Veterans
33,406 out of 868,049 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Born on Las Vegas AFB NV, son of career fighter pilot, making my "home town" the US Air Force. We lived on base when it became Nellis AFB, on base at Williams AFB, on base at Ramstein Air Base, and on base at George AFB. Served 28 years in uniform and 12 as USAF civilian.
Military Experiences
Oct 1996 - May 2001
Deputy Division Chief
In collaboration with ACC, the division pioneered the development of technologies and techniques increasing realism and credibility of Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training environments. The initial effort was dubbed Distributed Mission Operations (DMO), but the end goal was full integration of LVC assets for operational readiness training for the CAF.
Team Mesa changed how USAF trains; LVC is now taken for granted!
Team Mesa changed how USAF trains; LVC is now taken for granted!
Jun 1993 - Oct 1996
Command Inspector General
I led a small AETC/IG team, bothering AFROTC units around the country at 2-week intervals before returning to write reports before the next 2-weeks of travel. We had two officers and two NCOs, making two teams hitting four schools each during the 2-week TDYs. In my 3 years, I bothered people at 87 of the 143 or so AFROTC units located on college campuses. Our NCOs were top-notch in analyzing the financial, scholarship, and cadet personnel records, and between us, we’d huddle after our 1.5 days of checking everything, out-briefed one unit before heading for the car and motoring to the next stop to do it all over again.
Jun 1991 - Jun 1993
AFROTC Instructor
I commanded a small Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) detachment; the same Det 075 where I received my commission in 1973. Good cadets became excellent officers!
Jul 1988 - Jun 1991
Staff Officer
I worked under USAFE/XP, first in the Doctrine and Concepts Division then the Arms Control Division where our small team was tasked to keep up with Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty negotiations and develop the USAF Compliance Plan for implementation.
There were 23 nations (NATO and WP) in the CFE negotiations, then 22 when East Germany folded and the walls came down in 1989/1990. Ironically, the CFE Treaty was signed 19 November 1990 and we pressed ahead with mock inspections to develop clear guidance for our USAF CFE Treaty Compliance Plan.
Russia suspended CFE Treaty obligations in 2007 and in March 2015, declared the CFE Treaty is dead, with no prospects for reviving it. Our enemies built formidable militaries while America cut, so called "Peace Dividends."
There were 23 nations (NATO and WP) in the CFE negotiations, then 22 when East Germany folded and the walls came down in 1989/1990. Ironically, the CFE Treaty was signed 19 November 1990 and we pressed ahead with mock inspections to develop clear guidance for our USAF CFE Treaty Compliance Plan.
Russia suspended CFE Treaty obligations in 2007 and in March 2015, declared the CFE Treaty is dead, with no prospects for reviving it. Our enemies built formidable militaries while America cut, so called "Peace Dividends."
(7 months)Nov 1977 - Dec 1977
Weapons Training Detachment deployment to Incirlik AB; range work at Konya Range and missions over the Med to fill training requirements. Incirlik was close to the Med, so air-to-air with clean F-4E, Leading Edge Slats, was a good as it gets!
Aug 1976 - Sep 1976
Zaragoza Air Base was a Weapons Training Detachment for USAFE fighter units. German weather and airspace restrictions meant units could not complete all the training events required to maintain Mission Ready status for the crews.
Jul 1975 - Aug 1975
Zaragoza Air Base (ZAB) was a Weapons Training Detachment for USAFE fighter units. We flew air-to-surface missions over Bardenas Reales Range, dropping BDU-33s and strafing targets. We flew combat DART over the Med, shooting the towed target pulled by another F-4E from the Black Knights. WTD deployments filled training squares in good weather.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 1981 - Mar 1982
Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) Correspondence
Mar 1974 - Sep 1974
Squadron Officer School (SOS) Correspondence
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information