PV2 Patricia T Buskuehl

PV2 Patricia T Buskuehl

Dates of Service: no date specified
39% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 668
54,071 out of 864,869 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Nov 1979 - May 1980
Administrative Specialist
Joined the delayed entry program in December 1978 from a college preparatory Catholic high school, a national honor Society member, and bilingual, English/Spanish, for which my St. Louis recruiter received an incentive for enlisting me 71 L, E-1 rank, far beneath my capabilities... Deceived by E-7 SSG David “Pedro” Garcia on Nov. 20, 1979, in order to be raped off post after morning formation, I lost consciousness in his car, was ambulanced to ER at Silas B Hayes, where ER nurse told me I was missing home, Though what she wrote in my file, I was told 32 years later, were classic symptoms of rape. I believe staff Sergeant David Garcia involved his boss captain William F Melancon to aid the cover-up. The girls in my Barricks were all witnesses, And I wish that they will see this posting and