LTC John Patton

LTC John Patton

Dates of Service: Dec 1954 - Jun 2000
43% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 145
190,339 out of 864,904 Veterans
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  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
  • MAJ
  • LTC Nov 97
Commissioning Source:  Other

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Entered Army 23 Dec 1954 at Indianapolis basic with 10th ID at Ft. Riley AIT army administration & military law at Ft. Leonard Wood, assigned Adjutant General Corp Hq l0th ID. Arrive Kitzingen, Germany Nov 1955 Operation Gyroscope. Discharge 1959 Ft. Benning. Columbus College. Georgia National Guard 3 yrs. Indiana Guard Reserve 1984-2000. Commissioned Lt. Col. IGR Nov 1997. Retired 2000.