CPL Marcus Lawson

CPL Marcus Lawson

Dates of Service: May 1994 - May 1998
66% Complete
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Influence Score: 156
185,889 out of 868,074 Veterans
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I am a veteran of the Cold War era, as well as an Associate Professor of History for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities. I am also a student musician at New England Conservatory.

Military Experiences

May 1994 - May 1998
141st MED
Squad Leader
I have two military occupational specialties: 72E & 63 B. As a 63B I served with the 141st Medical Company, when it was stationed on Stanley Street in New Britain. As a military mechanic, I conducted Humvee maintenance on vehicles, and I also oversaw a squad of troops in the maintenance bay.
Feb 1986 - Sep 1989
Combat Telecommunications Operator
My first MOS was 72E, which is Combat Telecommunications Operator. I served for the 270th Transportation Detachment, which oversaw two trailer transfer points: TTK in Kaiserslautern & TTC at Ramstein, AFB . My job was to forumulate reports for 53rd Transportation Battalion, so to enable each trucking, line unit to retrieve trailers from surrounding areas in Kaiserslatern, and so to allow these trailers to be transported to either TTK or TTC; where cargo was uploaded. I not only created the reports to allow the T9 trucks to retrieve trailers, but once the trailers arrived with cargo. I also checked the DODAC number and other paper work accompanying the cargo. I had two shifts: second or third shift. I worked from Sunday to Thursday.

Personal Information

commissioner & musician student
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter