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Military Experiences
Apr 1969 - Jun 1970
Chief Instructor Light Vehicle Driver Course
Right back to the same Classroom at the LVDC where zI was able as the 1st week commottee chief to rewrite the training plans. for most the the 8 week course. I included alot of things I learned in Vietnam. I found that most of the training had been based on the Red Ball EXpress in France just after D Day. Alot did not apply to the Jungle Highlands and Lowlands of Vietnam. But then I applied for recruiting duty and after recruiting school in Indianapolis. Was assigned to Recruiting Command, Los Angeles, CA.
Apr 1968 - Apr 1969
Acting1st Sgt and Truckmaster
Arrived Cam Rahn Bay, found my slot had been filled in the truck company there and so what do you do with a promotable SFC E7 with a picket fence profile. You send him to the Central Highlans to 1st Sgt in an Infantry Division. When I got there I mananged to ask for the Transport company for the Division. They had a SSG acting as the 1st sgt and had only a 35% readiness of their vehicles. We were able to go right to work. Truck drivers with broken down truck just get to pull dirty details and the drivers of the running vehicles are being worked to death. Bad Moral. I was the 1st Sgt as ran the motor pool as well for 10 months before we got an E8 in as the 1st Sgt. IN the meantime we got the pool up to 95 % readiness and brought the moral way up. I also lead the reaction squad Native Village team.
1966 - Apr 1968
Chief Instructor 1st week of training
Started as a SP5 platform instructor, Thanks to Instructor training at the 7th Army NCO Academy. was promoted to SSG and then to SFC E7. then assigned at the Committee Chief of the 1st week of training. My duty was all as a platform or classroom Instructor. Wrote Lesson Plans, and modified the training schedule.
Then Orders for Vietnam to be Capt Wayne Taylors 1st Sgt. in a truck company at Cam Rahn Bay. The Army in all it's wisdom decided I should go to Language School first so instead of going in Aug of 67 I did not go until April 1 68. Shucks I was looking forward to water skying in the Bay.
Sep 1963 - Jul 1964
Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Driver and Company Training NCO,
I never worked a day in the motor pool. When I reported in the 1st sgt found out I could type and made me the training NCO for the company. When the unit was transfered to Vietnam, I was not elegible to go because I had not been home from Europe for a year. So I was transfered to the Fort Ord Hospital as the acting Motor Sgt. I was SP5 and was made acting Sgt E5. I ran the Hospital motor pool during the Menengitis shut down with great success. And was promoted to SSG. BUT, they found out they could not promote a E5 to E6 if he was assigned in an E7 slot so back to SP5 and transfer to Post motor pool as a dispatcher. Then finaly to the Light Vehicle Drivers Course as an Instructor.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jun 1962 - Aug 1962
7th Army NCO Academy
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jul 1969 - Aug 1969
00E4H Recruiter School
Oct 1954 - Dec 1954
3835 Supply Records Specialist
Additional Specialization(s)
Personal Information