66% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 594
60,703 out of 867,315 Veterans
60,703 out of 867,315 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
1959 - 1978
Most notable was on the USS Hampshire County (LST 819). Carried marines from Guam to different places in Vietnam. Got to play at being a River Rat for a few days, then back to the LST. Once we got caught in a river basin when the tide went out. We failed to inform the White Elephant folks we were there and the good ole US army started lobing shells at us. They stopped once we contacted Danang. No harm, no foul. Just got our blood pumping a little faster.
(15 years, 1 month) 1960 - 1975
San Diego to Asia
Too many cruises to remember. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since I retired in 1978. All types of ships; destroyers (DDs), frigates (FFGs), cruiser (CLG), auxiliary repair (AR), old class of landing ship tanks (LST). Visited many countries; Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Guam, and Singapore (I am a Shellback).
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Training Development
Race Relations Education Specialist
Drug Abuse Education Specialist
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Personal Information