61% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,038
36,196 out of 868,083 Veterans
36,196 out of 868,083 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Oct 1981 - Jun 1984
AMT, then Chief, Airborne Stan-Eval
Lead AMT and aircrew examiner for all AMTs in squadron. Aided in training and upgrading AMTS at the 698th ESS at Mildenhall RAF England on several trips. Was selected NCO of Quarter, then Year in 1983. Also was NCO of the Year for Electronic Security Europe in 1983. Was awarded a trip to Sardinia with a F-15D ride in early 84! Promoted to Master Sergeant just prior to leaving, 1 Jun 84.
Oct 1977 - Oct 1981
Airborne Maintenance Technician (AMT)
AMT on RC-135M/U/V/W and Comfy Levi systems. Cat III (Lead AMT) on all of them. Cat IV (AMT Evaluater) on all except Levy and Block III V/W. Attended ESC NCO Academy at Goodfellow on the way to the next assignment.
Oct 1977 - Oct 1981
Airborne Maintenance Technician (AMT)
AMT on RC-135M/U/V/W and Comfy Levi systems. Cat III (Lead AMT) on all of them. Cat IV (AMT Evaluater) on all except Levy and Block III V/W. Attended ESC NCO Academy at Goodfellow on the way to the next assignment.
Feb 1977 - Oct 1977
Airborne Maintenance Technician Student
AMT School, followed by altitude training and airborne physiology, parachuting water survival, basic survival and SERE and special survival training.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Aug 1981 - Oct 1981
Mar 1978
USAFSS NCO Leadership School
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
1995 - 1997
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Master of Aerospace Science Degree, Aerospace Management/ Aviation Management