76% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 4,423
10,838 out of 868,041 Veterans
10,838 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
1974 - 1977
Squad Leader
I was a Swiss army knife (senior L/Cpl of the batt) whatever had to be done I did it . Lt Jackson was my CO and Sgt Fairbanks was my sqd leader at C co. 1st recon over at Camp Horno . The last 3 years of my tour was with the weapons platoon Lima co. 3/1 . Camp Hansen Okinawa was my first duty station H&S co. 106 recoiless rifle plt. Maintenance NCO
Started in Aug 1973
Camp Hansen
H&S 3rd batt.