22% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 50
269,619 out of 867,937 Veterans
269,619 out of 867,937 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I have worked in manufacturing in several capacities from hourly production worker to plant manager and multiple positions in between.
Likewise my military career almost mirrors that of my civilian experience. I enlisted in the USMCR as an aviation electronics tech; transferred to ARNG; attended OCS; transferred to USAR; MOB'd for 9/11 & finished last 13 years of 32 yr career as AGR.
Military Experiences
Fighter attack aircraft instrument tech
Aviation instrumentation tech for fighter attack aircraft. Primary airframe was the A4 Sky Hawk.
Intelligence (S2)
Intelligence Staff Officer managing intelligence staff, providing tactical intelilgence info to BN.
HQ Company commander during first year of stand up of new organization.
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Kuwait
Joint Analysis Collection Element (JACE) - Chief of CI/HUMINT Analysis ISO CFLCC C2

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Joint Analysis Collection Element (JACE) - Chief of HUMINT Analysis Requirements Center (HARC) Analysis ISO CFLCC C2

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
CJTF-7 Task Force Counter Intelligence Coordinating Authority (TFCICA) Senior Intelligence analyst. Senior Intelligence analyst, Theater Reports Officer and military oversight for the implementation of the Locally Employed Persons (LEP) screening cell, pilot programs in Iraq.