SGT Jack Titter

SGT Jack Titter

Dates of Service: Nov 1960 - Nov 1968
51% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 559
65,125 out of 867,397 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Jul 61
  • PFC
  • SPC Aug 62
  • SGT Jun 66

Recent Activity  -


Upon leaving the army I went directly to work for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections as an officer where I was later promoted to Investigations LT. During that time I was sent to the Fed. Corrections investigators school, handwriting school, and numerous other related training. After appx. 18 years at the WI. State Prison I transferred to Probation and parole where I finished my career and retired.

Military Experiences

Platoon sergeant
Was the Platoon Sergeant of the Special Processing Detachment where we received bus loads of prisoners every day from the New York Port Authority. Prisoners were then taken before an officer to determin if he was to be placed in pre-trial confinement or held within the detachment grounds until military trial. In addition, detachment supervised courts and boards, and other prisoner related activities, Members of the detachment were also utilized in escorting prisoners to and from detention facilities around the United States back to, or from Ft. Dix. During that time, although under the auspices of the 519th MP's I was given a temporary Infantry MOS. I took my discharge from that assignment.


South Korea X18 Mo. / German X 3yrs
In South Korea I was stationed at Camp Casey and was a POL Specialist and driveer for the Transportation Officer--In German I was the Heavy Vehicle Squad Leader, Driver for the Transportation Officer and assisted in investigations of NATO traffic accidents between Military Vehicles and indigines personnel.

Personal Information
