CPT Noah Segal

CPT Noah Segal

Dates of Service: May 2006 - Apr 2012
81% Complete
27 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,206
11,247 out of 867,689 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT May 06
  • 1LT Nov 07
  • CPT Jun 09
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 2006

Recent Activity  -


International Affairs and Logistics Professional

Military Experiences

Nov 2010 - Apr 2012
Captain - Support Operations Transportation Officer
Jun 2009 - Nov 2010
15th STB
Captain – Logistical Task Force Commander
Base cmdr in charge of 25 soldiers and 35 Iraqi Kurdish civ contractors, operating a convoy spt center at the primary POE for U.S. supplies in northern Iraq, over 60 mi from nearest U.S. base Led a successful initiative to downsize pers and equip by 40% while maximizing operational efficiency, contributing to the successful drawdown of forces from northern Iraq in 2010 Rated among top 5% of junior officers throughout bn cdr's 20+ year career; recommended for accelerated promotion Fostered positive relations between U.S. and Iraqi Kurdish authorities, including mutual security issues...
Oct 2008 - Jun 2009
289th QM
Platoon Leader
Leader of two platoons consisting of 25 hvy and med vehicles and over 50 soldiers trained in motor transport operations and automated supply systems Safely and successfully conducted over 100 heavy equipment logistical support missions on Fort Hood, contributing to the deployment and redeployment of thousands of soldiers and pieces of equipment to and from Iraq Oversaw maintenance, readiness, and inventory control of hundreds of pieces of U.S. Army equipment, including heavy trans vehicles and container handling machinery valued at over $7 million, achieving the highest OR rate in the BN
Oct 2006 - Oct 2008
259th Transpo
Second Lieutenant – Mobility Officer
Second in command of a team of 21 soldiers trained in air and ground transportation management coordination. Controlled, managed and tracked movement of personnel, equipment, and convoys throughout southern Iraq Rated among top 10 lieutenants on annual performance report; recommended for promotion ahead of peers Led a successful organizational initiative to maximize the use of air transportation assets in order to minimize the size and frequency of U.S. Army convoys on dangerous roads, thereby reducing risk to soldiers Served as contracting officer rep for 30 civilian contractors


(2 years, 1 month)

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees