Recent Activity -
Currently work as an Instructor for Sua Sponte Combatives teaching a Martial Blade Concepts as a Study Group Leader (Associate Instructor)
Military Experiences
May 1995 - Sep 1999
Senior Military Instructor (SMI)
Primary Instructor for all MS III (junior's) cadets to prepare them for Advanced Camp and to become commissioned officers in the US Army. As cadre operations officer advised the senior cadet staff on all battalion operations, physical training, and leadership labs. Counseled and advise all cadets on professional, academic and personal maters.
Appointed duties: Cadre operations officer, MS III Instructor, Ranger Challenge Advisor, Senior Leadership Assessment Program Evaluator
Appointed duties: Cadre operations officer, MS III Instructor, Ranger Challenge Advisor, Senior Leadership Assessment Program Evaluator
Apr 1993 - Apr 1995
Long Range Surveillance Detachment Sergeant
D Co. 101 MI BN (LRSD)
Detachment Sergeant of a long range surveillance detachment consisting of 53 soldiers in a Military Intelligence Battalion with a world wide capability; responsible for the planning and execution of long range surveillance team missions and unit's individual training program. Assisted the Commander on collective training and all aspects of the unit's daily duites.
Conducted several JTF-6 Counter Narcotics missions along the Southwest border region.
Detachment Sergeant of a long range surveillance detachment consisting of 53 soldiers in a Military Intelligence Battalion with a world wide capability; responsible for the planning and execution of long range surveillance team missions and unit's individual training program. Assisted the Commander on collective training and all aspects of the unit's daily duites.
Conducted several JTF-6 Counter Narcotics missions along the Southwest border region.
Apr 1991 - Apr 1993
Weapons Platoon Sergeant
Primary Supervisor and trainer for an Airborne Ranger Weapons Platoon (Snipers, Mortars, and Anti-Tank) with the mission of conducting special military operations in support of US policy and objectives. Responsible for the overall health and welfare of each soldier to include physical, technical, and tactical training; ensure maintenance of assigned TO&E equipment to ensure mission readiness for world wide no-notice deployments.
Additional duties: Jumpmaster, Drop Zone Support Team Leader
Additional duties: Jumpmaster, Drop Zone Support Team Leader
Oct 1987 - Apr 1993
Combat Observation Laser Team (COLT) member
The Combat Observation and Lasing Team (COLT) is a high-technology, deeply inserted, spotting/reconnaissance team called on to maximize the use of GPS guided munitions.
(6 years, 7 months)Jan 1995 - Feb 1995
JTF-6 025-95 Southwest Border Region (Counter-Narcotics)
Mar 1994 - Jun 1994
JTF-6 370-94 Southwest Border Region Counter- Narcotics)
Nov 1994 - Dec 1994
Operation "Center Stage" (DOD/DARPA)
Jan 1994
Operation "Falcon Ranger" JRTC Rotation 94-3 101 MI BN, 1st Inf Div support to the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1984
Battalion Training Management System
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jun 1995 - Aug 1995
Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) Teacher, Assessor, Coach (TAC)
Aug 1992
Scout Sniper Skills Enhancement Course
Mar 2014
National Hospitality Operations Security Techniques
Nov 2013
Associate Instructor (Level 1) Krav Maga
Sep 2006
Front Sight 4-Day Defensive Handgun
Jun 2005
Tier One (Master Level) Defensive Tactics / Combatives Instructor
Foreign Language Skills
Italian (1/1)
Additional Specialization(s)
11B1V: Airborne Ranger
Security Clearance
Personal Information