Recent Activity -
I initially thought of joing the Navy in early 1970 because my Dad was in the Navy in the 1940's , but I was drafted in April 1970 and served 24 years in the Army with duties as CH-47 aircraft repairman, Platoon Sergeant,CH-47 flight engineer and Instructor, served as Aviation Operations NCO, Logistics NCO and unit First Sergeant, served last two years as Senior Logistic NCO, at Installation level. Also a Vietnam Vet. I am continually inspired by our military.
Military Experiences
Jan 1992 - Apr 1994
Logistics NCO/SGM
Senior Logistic NCO/SGM for the United States Army Aviation Center and Fort Rucker al, and assist the Director of Logistics and provide advice concerning enlisted and civilian personnel in several logistics occupational specialties.....
Dec 1990 - Dec 1991
First Sergeant
First Sergeant and responsible for the leadership of the unit's enlisted personnel and maintenance of an attack helicopter company and supporting the commander in maintaining order and discipline as the unit maintains AH-1,UH-60 and OH-58 aircraft and maintain other assigned equipment..........
Jun 1990 - Dec 1990
Aircraft Maintenance Senior Sergeant
Assigned to Aviation supportability branch as an Aircraft Maintenance NCO responsible for aviation support in procurement of aviation systems and or concepts and required to conduct briefing and .........
Jan 1989 - Jun 1990
S3 Operations NCOIC
S3 Operations NCOIC for an aviation battalion supporting flight training on the CH47, AH-64, OH-58, OH-58D, AH-1 and AH-64 helicopters and providing and supporting the daily individual training requirement of th battalion..............
(1 year, 1 month)Nov 1970 - Nov 1971
Vietnam War
CH47 helicopter repairman at a fixed based and at field sites do recover aircraft. Perimeter defense member providing combat support at basecamps.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Feb 1983 - Apr 1983
Non commissioned Officer Professional Development Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1986
CH-47 Flight Engineer Instructor's Course (MOI)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees