SSgt Earl Day

SSgt Earl Day

Dates of Service: Jul 2000 - Aug 2013
74% Complete
15 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,796
7,838 out of 864,904 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt Jul 00
  • PFC Oct 00
  • LCpl Apr 01
  • Cpl Jun 02
  • Sgt Apr 04
  • SSgt Feb 07

Recent Activity  -


I am currently acting in the capacity of a Probationary Fire Fighter. I hold a B.S. in Fire Science Management while looking to a future program to attain a Masters of Occupational and Personal Safety. Highly motivated as well as always open to new careers and progress in other avenues where my experience and leadership can be utilized.


(2 years, 7 months)

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Nov 2000 - Feb 2001

Oct 2000 - Nov 2000

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2007 - 2012

American Military University

Bachelor's Degree, Fire Science and Management

Personal Information

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