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Military Experiences
Jan 1991 - Oct 1992
Admin Asst, Family Advocacy Officer, Drug and Alcohol Rep, OHAS inspector
Retired from here with 20 years 4 months and 12 days active service. 1st runner up Senator Edward Garmatz award for community service. I developed a diagnosed and continue to be treated for PTSD, non combat related. This kept me out of all potentially helpful group therapies due to hostility and derision from combat vets. My guest speaker came at my request outside military channels. ADM J. N. Faigle was 5th District Commander at that time. He was also my first Commanding Officer. He did not come because I invited him to, he came because that's the man he was. He paid his own way for a 20 minute speech. It was a great way close my career. Anyone ever hear of, or speak to him, tell him thanks for me.
Apr 1986 - Oct 1991
IDMT (Independent Duty Medical Technician)
Attached to the Navy medical clinic. Crew of 300 personell
Jan 1985 - Mar 1986
Medical Laboratory Technician
Upgraded lab adding microbiology plating, antibiotic testing, identification. Removal of antiquated and explosive compound, Picric Acid. Directed emergency evacuation of personnel and supplies after Mt. St. Augustine exploded, and a Tsunami warning was issued. HM3 Ralph King, and LCDR David Rock more died on an emergency call when, during a storm, their helicopter hit head on into the side of an island. Everyone on board died. This was tough on everyone. I wound up on a psych ward at the hospital on Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage AK. The Coast Guard supplied a C130 which would visit all the gravesites in CONUS. I was allowed to go to Ralph King's. It was an honor to serve with both men. Dr. Rockmore was a nuclear physicist, turned pediatrician. Ralph an emergency swimmer. Both good men/friends.
Aug 1981 - Jan 1985
Medical Laboratory Technician
Corrected ongoing lab mismanagement due to OJT vs formal training. Initiated chain of custody procedures for the handling of positive drug screenings. Expert witness at various court martials for drug offenses. Diagnosed two cancers based on review of white cells on differential smears. Hand stained. A Seminoma, and a Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. It was my first Coast Guard duty station and set the tone for the rest. I took my HS1 exam there and wrote #1 in my group and #2 in the Coast Guard. They made 7 that cycle. I never chose to take another exam for advancement.