Recent Activity -
J. Martin Mills, Assistant Commissioner for Debt Management Services, Financial Management Service, U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, was appointed effective July 2002. The Debt Management program collects more than $3 billion per year and was found to be one of only a handful of successful programs in the Bush Administration's National Performance Review. Received VP's Hammer Award & Scty's Award.
Military Experiences
Mar 1983 - Jul 1988
Senior Intelligence Officer
Consume raw intelligence, analyze, disseminate and brief flag officers on world wide threats. China Desk Officer.
Jun 1976 - Aug 1980
Intelligence Officer (S2)
Consume raw intelligence, analyze, disseminate and brief flag officers on world wide threats
(1 year)Jan 1969 - Dec 1969
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information