66% Complete
0 Endorsements
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,551
25,881 out of 868,022 Veterans
25,881 out of 868,022 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I was born in Madison county, Georgia on June 16, 1942. Joined the Army in 1959. Basic at Ft Jackson, SC. Tour in Germany 60-62. Break 62-64, stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. moved to Germany in 1965, Was promoted to SP 4. then to SP 5, Busted to SP 4, promoted to SP 5, Busted to SP 4, 1049 to Vietnam, Promoted to SP 5, as Squad Leader, In the same year Promoted to Sgt. E 5 Act. Discharged in 68.
Military Experiences
Sep 1967 - Aug 1968
SGT. E 5 Act.
Combat Demolitions Specialist. I got to blow up things.
I was a squad leader for about two month's. Not a good job to be stuck with when you liked what you had been doing.
I was a squad leader for about two month's. Not a good job to be stuck with when you liked what you had been doing.
(2 years, 6 months)Mar 1960 - Aug 1962
Colman Kersern HQ. HQ. Tank Section Bamburg, Germany
My first tour was as a Tank Driver in The Battalion Commander's Tank HQ. 16.
discharged Aug. 62. Re entered Sept. 64. stationed at Ft. Hood until Jan 65. Rotated to Germany, 82nd Eng. Bamburg. 1049 to Vietnam in 67. Discharged in Aug. 1968.
discharged Aug. 62. Re entered Sept. 64. stationed at Ft. Hood until Jan 65. Rotated to Germany, 82nd Eng. Bamburg. 1049 to Vietnam in 67. Discharged in Aug. 1968.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Oct 1959 - Aug 1968
Augusta Business Collage, Augusta, Georgia
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Sep 1964 - Aug 1968
Combat Demolitions
Sep 1971
Associate Degree in Business Management.
Aug 1968
Combat Demolition Specialist
Foreign Language Skills
English (3+/4)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information