85% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 921
40,561 out of 868,049 Veterans
40,561 out of 868,049 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Mike is a Healthcare Consultant and former COS/COO for the Marcus Institute for Brain Health. He served as a Deputy Director at DHHQ and Navy Liaison Officer at the Department of Veterans Affairs. He also served in the USAF, USAFR, ANG and NG. VA assignments included Assistant/Acting Director, Long Beach; Associate Director, Loma Linda, CA and Director, VA Health Administration Center, Denver, CO.
Military Experiences
Oct 2010 - Sep 2013
Deputy Director, RC, Navy Medicine
Reserve Component’s Senior Operation and Action Officer to the Navy Surgeon General in the development of policies and procedures for Navy Reserve Medicine. Collaborated with Combatant Commands, Joint Command, Fleet Forces Command and BUMED staff to provide reserve medical support for validated operations, exercises, and mobilizations.
Military Credentials
Mar 1991
Fellow, ACHE
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information