86% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 2,129
19,508 out of 867,294 Veterans
19,508 out of 867,294 Veterans
Recent Activity -
3 Years of pre-enlistment JRROTC & Ca Cadet Corp, Military and Patriotic Family. This thing, so far, seems a lot like you guys who run this thing want me to provide a resume. Some of the categories confuse me. Like deployments. What does that mean, is overseas duty other than combat a deployment, how bout in country PCS? and what more specifically does military experiences mean?That's all for now
Military Experiences
Dec 1967 - Apr 1968
Radio Teletype Team Chief
To lead a team of 2-12 operators, in 1 or multiple. Mobile teletypewriter vehicles to Provide hard copy commo to field artillery BN, follow Infantry in combat OP. Always as a Battalion Network control operator. Guard on Ops, and base camp. III Corps,,25ID.As a Team Chief. Provide Leadership in every regard of instructing, in operational training, security training, seeing to their physical, mental, and spiritual well being,if necessary to perform ANY possibly necessitated action,if needed to support the mission of the base security troops, 11Bs, etc. if necessary through appropriate conversation, or referral. Keep my prepared ness in those areas at top level, and ready to perform a "Team Leader" mission, emphasize the word LEAD
Aug 1967 - Dec 1967
Radio Teletypewriter Operator
Provide hard copy commo to field artillery BNS, follow Infantry in combat OP. Always as a Battalion Network control operator. Guard on Ops, and base camp. III Corps,25ID.
Jul 1967 - Aug 1967
Radio Teletype Operator
Provide Hard Copy Commo To and from my Field Artillery Bn Cmd, to other units In base camp, and follow the Infantry, & Cav on combat operations, to fire direct Artillery support of the same. Assist Badly under strength FSB Security uni
May 1967 - Jul 1967
Radio Teletype Operator
Provide hard copy commo to field artillery BN, follow Infantry & Cav in combat OP. Always as a Battalion Network control operator. Guard on Ops, and base camp. III Corps,IIFFVN,
(1 year)May 1967 - Apr 1968
Vietnam War
Provide hard copy commo to field artillery BN, follow Infantry, Cav in combat OP. Always as a Battalion Network control operator. Guard on Ops, and base camp. III Corps,IIFFVN,4ID,25ID. Medevac/resuply chopper pad security all night battle New Year, 25ID. repelled LZ attacks, My Team and I EVAC'D 127. Battle Field promo E5. 4 bronze Svc star rib
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Aug 1966 - Oct 1966
AIT O5C20 Radio Teletypewriter Operator
May 1966 - Jul 1966
AIT 05B20 Radio Operator School
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Oct 1969 - Nov 1969
8th Infantry Division Basic NCO Course, Top 10%
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say