57% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 1,534
26,084 out of 867,904 Veterans
26,084 out of 867,904 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Left Keesler AFB PCS to Geibelstadt, Germany March of 64. Left Geibelstadt 1967, re-enlisted sent to Key West NAS. Assigned PCS 620th Tac Con. Sq Monkey Mountain. Assigned there to Det. 1 at Dong Ha Marine Base. Came home to Homestead AFB. All volunteer force changed military--I got out with 8 years.
Military Experiences
Intercept Technician
Assist Weapons Controller in refueling strike aircraft coming out of North Vietnam. Provide Air Traffic Control for strike aircraft. Initiate Search and Rescue efforts. Provide coverage for Arc Light Missions. Work with forward air controllers. Provide vectoring to feet wet for battle damaged aircraft, log positions of bail out, scramble Jolly Green Giants, vector to pilots position, provide fighter aircraft escort for Jolly Greens. Went in there as a boy. Came out of there a man.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Oct 1963 - Mar 1964
Aircraft Control and Early Warning
Mar 1964
System 412L
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Personal Information